Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Today I'm thinking of the kids in Newtown and their first day back at school. Thankfully "Sandy Hook ... remains a crime scene, with no indication if its 600 students will ever return to the building. Preparations are being made for them to use a school building in a neighboring town in the interim." I'm assuming most parents will stay with their children today. There will be police present, counselors, perhaps some story-tellers and clowns or magicians. There will be lots of art-making.  The children, their families, and staff will feel as safe as is possible given the circumstances.

I'd like to see the Sandy Hook school leveled to the ground (after the crime scene is processed). I'd like to see the students and teachers and parents participating in its destruction. Pounding with hammers and  pulling with cranes. Destroying the place where this happened to them.

Then, after it's all down, I want to see the students set the first bricks onto the new foundation that will become their school. Again.